Wednesday, 27 November 2013


Albany has no commercial gallery. So to have my paintings on display and for sale at the Albany Visitor Centre is a Very Good Thing. They went up yesterday. Hooray!
To celebrate this step towards my dream life as a professional artist, I have decided to change a few things.

One of these changes is to my instagram name - a clarification and declaration - to @samanthadennisonartist.
Labelling myself as an Artist does not come easily. For many, many years I have been a Teacher, and I still am, with the work I do as the Education Facilitator to a group of determined young mummies one day a week. But with painting taking up more of my creative time, and with my painting now in a public arena, it seems a good idea to make it more official.
I am a Teacher. I am also an Artist.
My family tell me it was always so.

Life is good.
Scary, too.
Thanks, Robert, for the saying.
I'm choosing not to change my blog name yet, but I will be changing a couple of other things about it soon.
I have also changed my Facebook address to coincide:
I like to knit, too. Obviously.

Sunday, 24 November 2013

These last two weeks - November 24


  1. I finished some Christmas presents - two knitted boy beanies, and three crocheted cotton washcloths inspired by onecraftymumma's dishcloth swap;
  2. We had visits from three cheeky frogs who found themselves in a supposed Shangrila, aka our girls' toilet. So ensued the 'frog check' routine, which soon lost its charm, especially at 3am. 
  3. I finished another painting, "Mistaken Island";
  4. Miss M's soccer wind-up was held on a magic day at Frenchman's Bay - heaps and heaps of kids of different ages, all playing together and helping each other in the water - truly awesome.
  5. I finally got a much needed haircut;
  6. The blue tutu-ed twins experienced their first ever concert week of dance extravaganza rehearsals and performances - all 3 and 1/2 hours of it - with great energy, excitement and success (not to mention relief on Mummy's part), and;
  7. I had two of my paintings accepted for display and sale at the Albany Visitor Centre. Yay!
Busy, busy. As ever.

Life is good. Hope all is well with you.
