Sunday, 24 March 2013

Easter Baskets aka Paper Plate Playdate Joy

My girls have been making their Easter Baskets, as we do each year, and this year I decided to 'magpie' the idea of how to make them from Miss M's basket that she made last year in Pre-Primary. We set ourselves up outside and invited over two of their new Kindy friends to make it a very social occasion.
How simple is this?
A decorated paper plate with cuts aimed towards the centre, evenly spaced around the outside edge, and then overlapped and stapled into the basket shape.
If you want a smaller, narrower opening to your basket, make more cuts or overlap more of each cut segment when you staple them. If you want it larger, make the cuts shorter, don't make so many, and don't overlap them so much.
The handles are made from strips of strawboard (card) that I have gently pulled over one of my fingers to give them a soft curve before stapling them on to the basket base.
Once the basket is constructed, it can be embellished to a little person's heart's desire! One idea is to use coloured tissue paper to mache over the staples. In our case the girls raided the glitter supplies. Yes, glitter is sprinkled from one end of the house to the other, but special occasions require such abandoned glitter application!
Yay! Easter Egg Basket Paper Plate Joy!
Now, where's that vaccuum cleaner??
What are you making for Easter with your children?
Do you have any creative kids' activities to share?
Hoping you are having a great weekend.
Sam xx

1 comment:

  1. So cute! We have been doing a little Easter craft - painting paper mache eggs and doing an Easter activity book Grandma brought our little boy. It came with a cardboard bunny basket you pushed out and assemble. So we cheated and made it up, ready for the egg hunt. :)
